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Allergies: A deep dive into why it is not the pollen #4


Today, we are going to look at the causes of allergies.

What Causes Allergies?

Your body is a complex system that can easily be thrown out of balance by environmental influences like foods and chemicals. Your body’s ability to compensate and recover from the daily onslaught of toxic substances, chemicals and processed foods determines whether you experience sensitivity symptoms.

For instance, most all of us are exposed to exhaust fumes, pesticides, paint or carpet vapors and other environmental chemicals, and many of us eat foods like sugar and grains despite being sensitive to them. As I said above, the symptoms can be very subtle. You might not see the immediate connection between your foggy head and fatigue, and the bread you eat or the fumes you inhale while sitting in traffic, unless you are aware that these substances might play a role.

Causes of allergies:  While no specific cause or causes for the onset of allergic reactions is known, the following may contribute to the development of allergies and food sensitivities. Ultimately, allergies are a result of our ability to adapt being overwhelmed by a constellation of external factors or our internal resiliency is compromised weakening our ability to meet the challenges of the environment we live in.

Genetic predisposition (bad genetics); it has been found that if both parents are allergic, then 67% of offspring will be allergic.  If one parent is allergic, then allergies will occur in 33% of children.  Boys with blue eyes and blond hair have the highest allergic tendencies.

  1. Early exposure to allergenic foods in utero or as an infant
  2. Poor digestion of foods/ GI tract dysfunction/malabsorption
  3. Frequent exposure to the same foods
  4. Poor nutrition/nutritional deficiencies
  5. Increased exposure to various environmental toxins such as food, beverages, medicines, pesticides, dry cleaning or house cleaning chemicals, tap water, polluted air, pollen, cigarette smoke, animals
  6. allergens
  7. Stress
  8. Hormone imbalances such as removal or dysfunction of reproductive organs, thyroid, adrenals
  9. Vaccinations and immunizations
  10. Infections:  toxins produced by the body from invasion of microorganisms such as virus, bacteria, parasite, yeast, Candida, ticks (Lyme disease)
  11. Depressed immune system from chronic illness or autoimmune disorders
  12. Radiation stress such as sitting in front of a computer or TV for long periods of time or living near electrical cables, power plants

Consider which factors may be contributing to your allergy symptoms. A list of common allergens is available upon request. Please comment on this post with questions!

Tomorrow, we will begin to look at solutions to eliminating most of not all of your allergy issues.

Be Well

Dr. Whalen




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